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Boundary Policy

As of January 1, 2018, 加州法律AB500要求学校在员工手册中分享他们的学生/员工互动政策, on their school websites, and in writing to all parents at the beginning of the school year.  

十大网赌平台推荐学校鼓励学生和学校教职员工之间建立密切而适当的关系. 同时,重要的是每个员工的行为在任何时候都是专业的. 为了更好地服务于学校学生的福祉,避免沟通混乱,防止性行为不端, 学校要求学校社区的所有员工和其他成年人在他们自己和学生之间保持适当的界限,以确保他们避免不适当的行为或偏袒的感知. 从员工的角度来看,有些行为可能是无辜的,但从学生或家长的角度来看,可能会被视为调情或性暗示. 

Note, this boundary policy applies to conduct toward current students, applicants for admission, and any former students under the age of 21. 

All employees are expected to adhere to the following guidelines and practices: 

  • When using a social media site, 员工不得将未满21岁的在校学生或以前的学生列为“朋友”,” “followers,” or any other similar terminology used by various sites. Also be aware of inappropriate use of social media about students. 
    • The one exception to the above is that after a student has graduated from Branson, 如果员工愿意,他们可以接受以前学生发出的领英(仅限领英,不能接受其他社交媒体或专业平台)邀请. 

  • 避免给个别学生打电话或发短信,而是使用学校的电子邮件和通信系统. 只有当学生在校外上课或参加其他学校主办的活动时,为了学生的安全需要才使用群发短信. 如果给个别学生发短信是必要的,确保在短信中有另一个成年人. 
  • Avoid communications with others containing inappropriate information if there is the likelihood that the receiving party will share it with a student; for example, sending content to a former student who is likely to share it with a current student. 
  • 避免给学生发送私人性质的或与学校活动无关的通信. 
  • 避免给个别学生送私人或私人性质的礼物. 
  • 避免分享或询问学生私人关系中过于私人的细节. 
  • 不要在公共场合或私人场合与学生进行不必要的身体接触. 这包括触摸学生通常被泳衣覆盖的部位. Always defer to a side shoulder hug if a hug is appropriate. 
  • 尊重学生的权利,不被触摸或以使他们感到不舒服的方式看.
  • One-on-one meetings with students on campus should happen in public or visible places. If you find yourself alone in a space with a student, make sure that the space is visible to the public or that the door is open. Otherwise, move to a more public location. 如果没有足够的可见空间,找另一个成年人在场. 当学生的隐私需要保护,没有合适的位置可用, consider delaying the meeting. 
  • 在没有家长和主管的知情或允许的情况下,故意单独与学生在校外. 这包括在家里与个别学生见面,喝咖啡,社交或其他方式. 
  • Advisory activities are only to take place during the school day. 辅导员可以带学生离开校园参加咨询午餐,但必须提前通知他们的主管和家长. 
  • 在没有家长和主管的知情和许可的情况下,避免与学生在校外进行与学校无关的活动. This includes babysitting. 
  • As with anyone in the school community, 不分享或参与不适当的性或文化敏感的评论, stories, or jokes with students. 
  • Do not seek emotional involvement with a student for an employee’s benefit. 
  • Do not discuss an employee’s own personal troubles or intimate issues with a student. 
  • 不要和学生发生关系,以免一个通情达理的人怀疑他有不恰当的行为. 
  • Avoid excessive attention toward a particular student or group of students. 
  • Do not drive alone with a student except in emergency situations. 员工必须在合理的时间内通知学生的家长和员工的主管. 
  • 当学生出现重大问题时,要及时通知家长和主管. 

学校员工有义务向校长报告他们认为成人员工和学生之间的任何不当行为. 学校有权利和责任调查成人是否遵守此界限政策,即使未作出报告. 

Duty to Report 

If an employee finds themself in a difficult situation related to boundaries, the employee should ask for advice from a supervisor or the Head of School. 当一名员工发现另一名员工与学生越界时, the employee must report the matter to the Head of School as soon as possible. If the Head of School is not available, contact the counselor or the appropriate dean. In some circumstances, 员工也有义务按照规定的报告要求报告此类行为. 


学校不会对任何举报可能违反这一界限政策的行为的人进行报复. 对根据本政策举报的个人进行报复的员工将受到纪律处分.

This policy was created in May 2018, and last updated in May 2023.

Questions about this policy:

To Report an Issue:

Christina Mazzola

Head of School